Happen to have a completed novel sitting on the shelf and collecting dust? Or one that you've been trying to pitch, but haven't gotten that fish on the hook, yet? Or maybe you've self-published the precious gem and just want more recognition ... anyway, if you haven't come across this bit of news in your surfing the web, you might try the ABNA contest through Amazon. Here's some info:
AMAZON BREAKTHROUGH NOVEL AWARD-DEADLINE: February 7, 2010GENRE: BooksDETAILS: Unpublished or self-published novels, 50,000-150,000 words. Two categories general fiction and young adult fiction. PRIZE: Winner in each category (General Fiction and Young Adult) receives publication by Penguin Group USA and $15,000 advance.
URL: http://www.amazon.com/b?node=332264011
And good luck, if you take the plunge! :-)
Wow! I surely will take the plunge, thank you!
Yeah, Tina! It is a lot of fun, and it gives you a chance to polish up the query/pitch, etc. Also, if you enjoy discussion boards, they have one that among all the personal gripes and groans still has some good advice. :-) Good luck!
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