Friday, May 13, 2011

Writing Tip of the Day

Tip to Note: When writing your story, please keep a timeline of events. I've been finding that if I don't -- time that's passed is too much or too little when I reference it later, or when I have events that follow, they do not seem logical or they are out-of-sync. In other words, it just plain ole messes the story up! Timelines -- so simple and so very helpful :-)

Sorry folks. Because of a temporary glitch with blogspot, the comments made previously here on this post have disappeared :( As always, I appreciate all those who take an interest and submit their ideas/thoughts. Hopefully, it won't happen again. And who knows? They might miraculously reappear!


Krista McLaughlin said...

That's great advice! I don't usually do that, but I really should. I realized at one point that when I got to the end of my story, my main character had two different birthdays and middle names, along with a different date that her parents died. Oops!

Author and Reader said...

I know what you mean. I will have something happen that would have taken a heck of lot more time to do, but the writing seems to make it look like it's happened in a matter of minutes. And the dates of B-days and so on ... major migraine!

Jeana said...

I need to do it too! It takes a lot longer to search back through my document each time.

Abigail-Madison Chase said...

Great Tip!