How's this for news? Amazon has closed a deal to acquire Goodreads. Now, this is a site that I use and find beneficial both as a reader and an author. It has great features that let you not only keep an account of books you've read, want to read, and a place to leave a comment or two, but also groups for all types of literature to join. A great plus is the Goodreads Giveaway where authors can offer free copies of their books and readers can enter the giveaways to win books.
It will be interesting to see if the site changes much. I did notice a while back that B & N seemed to be the book retailer put in the forefront when it comes to linking where books are available for sale. Amazon, on the other hand, was put in the drop-down menu.
In any case, here is the link to the news blurb -- Amazon Buys Goodreads .
Well, I sent off my list of corrections to
the editor and now I wait once again. I know I was able to catch a few errors,
but always the worry that there may be more. After all, if the pub's editor
missed some -- ones that I noticed -- then what? I'm not going to stress over it
though. At least I feel between the two of us we did a great job.
difficult to read my work so many times. I wish I could be one of those who
experience it anew. I envy that. Still, I think it's good, really good, the best
story I've written so far. I love my characters, especially Tante Louise
Picault. She's old but feisty, and colorful with the perfect touch of french
culture. The southern feel to the characters makes them approachable and
loveable. I'm optimistic that readers will find them endearing and drawn to
their story that weaves mystery from the past and the present. The touch of
paranormal with the main character who uses dreams from spirits to gather clues
is yet another layer to interest, I hope, many. We will see.
In the
meantime, I wait, patiently.
I finally received an email with lots of goodies attached ... my ARC and editor comments. And I have 20 days to read through it all, make my comments, corrections, etc. Yikes! I can do this. Yes, I can. Uh ... right? Fortunately, nothing really big going on at work, so I should have time. I just want to make sure I do a thorough job. So, nobody better bug me! Or ... grrrrrrr. (Just noticed: is it any wonder my editor says I use maybe a few too many ellipses?)
I read and reread the email, and then a few more times to make sure I didn't miss anything. So, this is the skinny: my feedback on the first draft ARC is due March 23rd. Cover should be coming around the beginning of April, so I need to start collecting reviews. If I would like them added to the back cover, that is. Of course, as anxious as I am, I already sent out requests for reviews to several mystery review websites and authors. Keeping fingers crossed. -- Thanks Michael Murphy for agreeing to do one :-) And to Cjung at Over My Dead Body. You both are great for responding so quickly, and settling my nerves since this means my back cover won't be blank! haha
Okay, what next? Well ... (yet another ellipse ... sigh) just have to wait and see! If all goes well and according to plan, I will be seeing my baby in print sometime in June. Then, I'd absolutely love to have a book launch event. Maybe at our local library or perhaps at one of the area bookstores. I'll have to start researching. Hmmm. Yet another task to consider, but such fun!
Update: Yet another thanks goes out to Sand, a wonderfully kind and helpful lady who happens to run the very cool ezine, The Piker Press and also agreed to do a review. Then finally, to Apex Reviews who will take a look and see :-)
All great people who help to make this project a success.