The truth is when you write, it’s all about that bass, too. How so? Well, first, let’s look at the song. I’d guess many who listen to it initially think it’s all about the physical. However, there’s figurative meaning in the message, too. Right? That bass, deep and substantive, it’s part of who we are. In fact, it’s the importance of who we are. Beauty is nice, but it’s the personality, the heart, all the “bass stuff” that keeps people coming back for more and it's the glue to sustain relationships. So, what about in writing? How does an author sustain reader relationships? I’d like to think in a huge way it is all about that bass – the plot with its twists and turns, and its complexity; those dynamic characters with layers and layers to make them a challenge to figure out; the setting descriptions meant to pop with every one of the five senses; the dialog, authentic and purposeful. Writing with anything less is a half-hearted effort. I say, don’t kid yourself. Readers know. They are an intelligent species whose demands should never be ignored. Otherwise, it can be a painful death to an author’s career. As I’ve stated countless times: writing is hard ... very hard work. There’s a reason for revision. Your story in its initial stage might have all the “surface beauty”. It looks pretty and shiny at a glance, but then … Did I mention that readers have demands? Yes. You must edit, revise, layer upon layer, and repeat. Add that bass. Your writing deserves the best effort. Your readers do, too! Happy Holidays!
I finished the first book in a new mystery series -- Grave Maker Blues. Satisfying as it seems, at least for a brief time, I queried it to a handful of agents. That quenched my productive, creative urges. For a brief time. So, I outlined the next story in the series. Just last week I started writing book 2. I figure it will take me two or three months to finish a rough draft. That should satisfy me ... for a brief time. Admittedly, the little voice in my head won't let me stop. I have to keep going, moving on to something new, while I wait for whatever I hope to accomplish. I'd like to stop. Give a brief, restful pause to enjoy those things that tend to be overlooked or ignored while I'm busy producing, achieving, waiting. Ah ... it's just that little voice, the cheerleader in my head ... it won't let me stop. Could it be the mentality of all those great minds throughout the course of history? Could they possess that voice? Am I like that, included with those great minds? .... Nah, it's just me, like anyone trying to satisfy the productive, creative urges, just one in a gazillion. Yep, that's who I am. Still, I think I will try to stop, at least for the holidays. It's only fair, to me, to my family, friends ... now, where was I? Oh. Yeah. Book 2. And then, more letters to agents. And how about promotion ideas for A Deadly Deed Grows? It's coming out in a couple of months. I'm hopeless! Happy Holidays to all!